Agricultural Technologies Latest Trends

The decrease in agricultural lands and the rapid increase in migration from village to city increase productivity in agriculture; It makes it necessary to increase the agricultural production obtained from the unit area. The prediction that the world population will be 9.7 billion people by 2050 draws attention to the fact that the world's agricultural production should increase by at least 70% in order to feed the population. In this case, it is inevitable to use technology to increase productivity in agriculture. When the latest trends in agriculture in the world are examined, it is seen that there are important developments in agricultural technologies. In agricultural production, every technology that is possible to obtain more output with less input (such as water, fertilizer, fuel, medicine) is important. When examining the topics under which these technologies are developing, it is emphasized that 8 headings stand out. Let's try to summarize these topics briefly.


1.Smart Agricultural Technologies


What is Smart Agriculture?


Smart agriculture is the techniques that aim to obtain more products with less input using improved information and control systems of soil analysis, tillage, planting, fertilization, spraying, product conditions monitoring and harvesting processes in agricultural lands. What are the Benefits of Smart Agricultural Technologies? Making regionally variable rate applications on the same land by reducing chemical expenses such as fertilizers and pesticides, Reducing environmental pollution by minimizing harmful chemicals that mix with soil and air by using excessive inputs, Providing high quantity and quality products, To provide ease of labor, to reduce energy costs, Quick and effective implementation of the right decisions for the business, It aims to prevent economic fluctuations by creating a registration system in agriculture. There are some issues that need to be developed in order for smart agricultural technologies to become more widespread in our country. Briefly, these are; The technology competencies of our farmers, whose average age is high, need to be improved. Most of the agricultural equipment used in our country has a low level of competence in terms of digital technology. It is necessary to make these equipments more compatible with digital technology or to renew the equipment that has completed its economic life.


2. Irrigation and Fertilization Systems


What is Irrigation and Fertilization System?


The use of water and fertilizers in agriculture are two of the most basic inputs. Today, developing technology is also used in order to prevent environmental problems that occur as a result of wrong practices in agriculture and to realize a more effective plant production. How Do Irrigation and Fertilization Systems Work? In recent years, as a result of land surveys with satellites or drones, a land map consisting of some parameters such as albedo map of plants, leaf area index map and plant height map, humidity level, productivity level can be produced. The basic principles of the technologies used here are; The reflections in different bands are associated with the ground measurements made with the spectroradiometer and to obtain a result with the developed empirical equations and to reflect this visually on the land surface in digital environment. One of the irrigation and fertilization studies suitable for precision agriculture is done with sensors. Sensors placed under the soil measure the soil moisture, pH, EC (Electrical Conductivity) values ​​at sensitive and frequent intervals, and an operation can be performed according to these measurement results. In addition, irrigation and fertilization of drip irrigation pipes placed under the ground is carried out only towards the roots of the plant, while minimizing water and fertilizer costs, while increasing productivity.


3. Greenhouse Automation Systems


What is Greenhouse Automation Systems?


Today, smart greenhouse applications are increasing day by day. The reason for this is that the products produced in conventional greenhouses cannot meet the demands of the consumers as much as they should. It is desired to create the most environmental conditions for the development of the plant in the process from the planting of the plant to be produced in the greenhouses to the harvesting of the product from the soil. In order to create these environmental conditions, climatic parameters; ambient temperature, light intensity, ambient humidity, soil moisture, and like that. must be kept under control. Greenhouse automation systems are all software and hardware systems created to improve the ambient conditions by activating the heaters at the right time in line with the data received from the sensors in the greenhouse, opening the ventilation windows at the necessary times, switching on and off the devices such as the water pump. By using these automation systems, we can reduce the manpower used in the greenhouse and make production more efficient by using less input.


What are Greenhouse Automation System Types?


Irrigation fertilization systems.

Energy management systems.

Seeding machines, irrigation apparatus, spraying apparatus.

We can classify them as classification systems and packaging systems.


What are the Applications that Increase Efficiency in Greenhouse Automation Systems?


Automatic irrigation systems = It allows us to automatically make the water needed by the plant from the computer.

LED light source plant growing luminaires = It has been measured that the LED light source plant growth luminaires, which enable the plant to perform photosynthesis for faster growth, provide energy savings of 60% to 71%.

Another example of smart greenhouse technologies can be given as a large greenhouse business producing Lettuce in Japan. This enterprise produces 7.7 million pieces of lettuce per year using various automation systems and they aim to reuse 98% of the water they use. Thus, they achieve high efficiency at very low cost.


Smart Agricultural Technologies

4. Use of Drone Technologies in Agriculture


What are the Benefits of Drone Technologies?


The use of drones for agricultural applications is increasing day by day. Especially Asian countries take the lead in the use of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) in agriculture. By using drone technology in agriculture, for instance, it is possible to control the produced crop. During this monitoring, questions such as whether there is a disease or pest outbreak anywhere in the field can be detected without damaging the product. In the same way, cost advantage can be achieved by spraying more sensitively and faster than alternative methods. If conditions such as disease and insect outbreaks are detected beforehand, spraying only the detected areas with variable rate spraying provides great benefits in terms of protecting soil health as well as reducing the cost.

Drone systems are used in many different areas such as natural disasters, monitoring of various organizational activities, traffic control, cinema and television industry, wild animal tracking, agricultural applications, as well as military purposes, especially in the defense industry.


What are the Uses of Drones in Agriculture?


Product analysis with image processing techniques,

Spraying – Fertilizing,

Combating invasive plants (weed control),

Seed and granule spreading,


5. Automatic Steering Systems


What is Auto Steering?


In agriculture, a series of agricultural operations and applications are carried out with tractors and equipment, as well as self-propelled equipment (such as a combine) from tillage to harvest. During these applications, operators are exposed to certain difficulties and stresses. For example, planting seeds in agriculture is a task where straight and parallel lines must be created with extreme precision. It is not possible for even the most experienced operators to be able to perform steering wheel control operation accurately and precisely.


How Does Automatic Steering System Work?


Automatic steering systems are currently widely used in the world. Many agricultural machinery manufacturers in the world can produce and develop these systems. Although various companies in our country have some studies on this subject, foreign companies dominate the sector in general for the time being. In general, automatic steering systems receive location data from GPS. Real-time kinematic positioning system (RTK) modules are also used to correct the error margin of signals coming from GPS to provide cm-level accuracy.


What are the Benefits of Automatic Steering System?


Reducing the cost of seeds and fertilizers,

More effective tillage (Soil resistance, soil type and drainage applications)

Reducing the cost of drugs and chemicals

Increasing production efficiency

reduce environmental pollution

Ensuring quality product yield

To provide a continuous and more effective flow of information for management and aquaculture decisions To create agricultural records and database

Ensuring energy efficiency

Protecting soil and groundwater

Facilitating tool machine operations in the field, reducing the load on the driver


6.Digital Pheromone Trap Technologies (Insect Trap)


What are Digital Pheromone Trap Technologies?


Today, after understanding the negative effects of chemical control on humans and the environment with harmful insects emerging during agricultural production, many biotechnical methods have been developed to reduce the use of pesticides. One of them is the use of pheromones. It is the name given to the chemical that is secreted chemically by insects, other animals and humans and causes them to react by being felt by other individuals of that species.

Within the scope of smart agriculture technologies, these pheromones are produced synthetically and a trap is created and the trap is constantly controlled with a high resolution camera placed inside the trap. The camera sends the image inside the trap to the user at certain intervals. If it is seen that the population in the trap has exceeded a certain risk stage, the producer can start the spraying process immediately. There is a very limited time frame to intervene with some pests in agriculture, so crop losses are prevented thanks to this technology.


7. Early Warning Systems-Agricultural Meteorological Station Technologies


What is an Early Warning System?


Early warning systems, which are similar to meteorology stations, are a system that detects and announces the time to fight against a disease factor or harmful organism in the area where a cultivated plant is grown. Here, as in the meteorology station, the parameters we obtain are transferred to a central computer. The information reaching the center is evaluated as computer aided and necessary actions are taken by comparing it with the data set created in the past.

The main difference between the early warning systems and the meteorological station is that it advises the spraying time according to the type of product produced. The emergence of diseases and pests is closely related to the climatic events and the developmental periods of the plant that it harms. In some years, humidity, precipitation or air temperature may not be suitable for the emergence, development and damage of the disease and pest. The climate data required for control, the developmental stages of the plant, the biology of the disease-causing fungus or bacteria or pest can be monitored regularly. If chemical control is desired, the most suitable time for control can be determined and necessary precautions can be taken.


How Do Early Warning Systems Work?


Agricultural production is a set of events that are directly dependent on weather conditions at every stage. It is necessary to benefit from agricultural meteorology at every stage of agricultural production, from sowing, planting, fertilization, irrigation, spraying, harvesting and animal production. Apart from the use of Agricultural Meteorology information during agricultural production, the obtained information is combined with various data analysis methods to help us understand how applications should be made for the following years. Today, although many studies such as drought analyzes, frost risk maps and agricultural forecast reports are published by the General Directorate of Meteorology on the official website of the institution, it would be more beneficial to establish agricultural meteorological stations on the fields in order to make region-based or even field-based applications within the scope of smart agricultural technologies.

For example, in a hilly area, part of the terrain may be exposed to strong winds while the other part may experience a much less strong wind, or it may rain in one area and not in another very close area. It would be beneficial to expand agricultural meteorology stations in order to minimize such risk factors and to make more sensitive production practices. Thanks to the sensors they have on these stations, they can inform the producers about many parameters such as humidity, soil moisture, wind intensity, amount of rain, leaf wetness, air temperature, soil temperature.


8. Livestock Technologies


What is Livestock Technologies?


The livestock sector is one of the most important elements of agriculture. In order to increase productivity, smart agriculture technologies have been used intensively in this field today.


What are the Benefits of Livestock Technologies?


·         Monitoring the health, development and safety of animals,

·         Ensuring that animal products are more efficient,

·         It is developed in order to facilitate the work of livestock, to save time and to reduce costs.

The temperature conditions, disease conditions, productivity, water and feeding needs of the animals of the producers dealing with livestock are recorded with various technological solutions, so that the producer can take the necessary actions in the light of these data. A variety of technological solutions are available that not only retain herd-related data, but also optimize weights for the animals.

Various solutions are also available for dairy producers used today. With the developed milking devices, maximum milking is aimed and analysis of the quality and nutritional values ​​of the milk obtained after the milking process can be performed. As a result of these analyzes, a price is determined according to the quality of the milk. The use of these technologies reduces the labor force of many producers, while protecting animal health and increasing the efficiency achieved.
