Augmented Reality

Augmented reality allows us to feel the physical environment in the real world lively, dynamically and in real time with computer-based sensory inputs. It is an exciting concept that allows us to live in the future and that we think will take place in a large part of our lives.


Augmented Reality
Augmented reality allows us to feel the physical environment in the real world lively, 
dynamically and in real time with computer-based sensory inputs

What is Augmented Reality?

Thanks to augmented reality (AR), computer-generated elements such as audio, video, graphics or GPS data are augmented and animated by sensory input. It is the direct or indirect live view of a new perception environment created by combining the physical, real world environment. It will appeal to human senses with augmented reality. The inputs that will activate their emotions are changed and enriched by the computer, and the new reality that emerges is presented to the user's perception. Enrichment takes place in real time and interacts with surrounding elements. With Augmented Reality, the user can interact with the information and other elements that make up the reality environment. Artificial information and elements about the environment can be compatible with the real world.

To explain in a simpler way, we can talk about video games that we think will use augmented reality intensively. Although there are many opinions about who created the first video game, especially depending on how the word video game is defined, computer games that have been entertaining us for years are actually simulations of our lives, from the most primitive to the most advanced. For example; When we consider a very old car racing game, we say that it is far from realism compared to the current ones, because the number of units that stimulate our senses is very few in the old games. Computer graphics today have become much more sophisticated since then and this allows us to enjoy the games we play even more. Augmented reality gives us more. For example, let's say you bought your car in the game and went on a tour of Istanbul. Time, space and all other units may be the same as Istanbul in the real world. In other words, Istanbul traffic or the sudden rain may cause your vehicle in the game to reach its destination later. Since you never want to crash in an augmented reality car racing game, the feelings of the game are so intense that you can feel everything from the skidding during the accident to the glass pieces falling on you. Augmented reality, which we use in video games as an example, is real-time in order to better explain the event. it interacts with all the units in the environment and as we will talk about, the areas where it is used and can be used are also quite wide.


Augmented Reality Enriches Our Lives

Augmented reality simply adds graphics, sound and other sensory enhancements over the real world environment, in real time. If we take a TV broadcast, “How much more reality can we expect from TV?” you can ask a similar question. However, a TV broadcast using augmented reality contains more technology than the most realistic and technological TV broadcasts you have ever seen. Although the use of augmented reality is rather new and in its infancy, the RACEf/x and vesuper-imposed first down line technologies used by Sportvision in English League football matches have made users feel the reality and the difference in a solid way. However, these systems show a single point of view point of view. Graphic display of next generation augmented reality systems will be provided for each viewer's perspective.

Augmented Reality Enriches Our Lives


Augmented reality is a tremendous technology that we can use in every phase of our daily life and will make our lives easier. Today, augmented reality technology has started to be used in every field from archeology to architecture, from education to art, from health to military.


Use of Augmented Reality in Industry

Although these systems are in their infancy today, in the future companies will use augmented reality more intensively to improve decision making and business procedures. In the virtual world, operators will be able to interact with their machines at the click of a button, change their parameters, and receive operational data and maintenance instructions.


Industrial design

Augmented reality can help industrial designers experience the design and operation of their products before they are completed. Volkswagen uses augmented reality to compare predicted and actual crash test images. Augmented reality can also be used to visualize the body structure and engine layout of a car, and to perform operations on the vehicle.



Packaging and Marketing

With augmented reality, you can preview what's inside a product without even opening the package. Augmented reality can also be used as an aid when your customers choose their products from the catalog. With the use of scanned images of products, you can also offer your customers customization options such as additional content and views.

Packaging and Marketing with augmented reality

Spatial Interaction

Collaboration among team members can be facilitated by augmented reality and conferencing with virtual participants. Employees who are not in the same environment with each other can be brainstormed and discussed as if they were in the same environment. Meetings using shared visualization via touchscreens and charts can include interactive digital whiteboards, shared design spaces, and distributed control rooms.

Mission Support

Augmented reality can simplify complex tasks such as assembly and maintenance by putting additional information into view. For example, a mechanic might view parts of a system to clarify the owner's manual. The use of augmented reality also provides benefits for assembly lines. Boeing, BMW and Volkswagen use augmented reality on the assembly line to improve their manufacturing and assembly processes. Large machines are also difficult to maintain as there are multiple layers or structures. As employees with augmented reality will see the location and cause of the problem more clearly, it will be easier for them to perform maintenance.


Innovative Products

Although augmented reality is a new technology, it has been adopted by people very quickly. The products to be produced using this technology are completely within the limits of human imagination. This means that engineers and designers who adopt augmented reality technology will produce unlimited innovative ideas and products using this technology. Dozens of creative products using augmented reality, from the health sector to tourism, from the military to the phones in our pocket, have already been heavily launched.

This new technology, which we call augmented reality, blurs the line between the computer universe and the real universe; It enables our senses of seeing, feeling, touching, smelling and hearing to take action in a new universe created. In the near future, we will be able to watch live what is happening in our aching stomach with augmented reality, put on our glasses or helmets and travel with our friends to any place in the world in real time. In addition, we will be able to play a strategy game, and most importantly, we will be able to combine our imagination with this technology and create successful products that will make our lives easier.
