Development of Industry in the World


First Industrial Revolution

The Development of Industry in the World, The First Industrial Revolution (Industrial Revolution), which affected the period between 1760-1830, began to show its effect with the mechanization of weaving looms in England. In this context, increasing the power of movement as a result of the use of coal and steam instead of wood gave rise to mechanization and the transfer of production to factories. Old-fashioned family businesses and small mills gave way to large factories.

The First Industrial Revolution, which was basically limited to England, affected the heavy industry with the succession of technological developments and the increase in knowledge on production, after light industry such as textiles, which did not require much capital.

In this period between the 18th and 19th centuries, which is known as the Age of Mechanization, the use of steam as an energy source along with coal, thanks to new inventions, played an important role in the spread of machines. Likewise, the use of steam, coal and iron together as energy sources and raw materials accelerated the development of the railway.

In this way, it was possible to transport both raw materials and products produced in more variety, faster and in large quantities to farther places and the spread of the Industrial Revolution in Europe.

While the mechanization of loom work in England with the First Industrial Revolution changed the way of production and, accordingly, the socioeconomic structure, the use of steam power technology in printing works led to different developments in the field of culture and communication. The First Industrial Revolution was one of the important steps in making the world a “smaller and more integrated” place.

Second Industrial Revolution

The second phase of industrialization emerged with changes in basic raw material and energy sources. In addition to steam, coal and iron, steel, electricity, petroleum and chemicals were also used in the production process. In this way, the industry developed further.

The Second Industrial Revolution, which coincided with the beginning of the 20th century, was triggered by the use of petroleum-based internal combustion engines. In the same period, Henry Ford's mass production line system in the automotive and the fact that the factories were powered by electricity also developed industrialization rapidly.

While the development of steel production instead of iron, which was dominant in the First Industrial Revolution, accelerated railway transportation and trade, other new developments such as telephone, radio, typewriter, cheap newsprint also shaped communication and communication.

Cities began to grow rapidly; In developed countries, the work and accommodation places of families began to differ. Ways of life have changed dramatically. Politically and economically strong central states were established. Industrialization, which showed its effect in England and Europe in the First Industrial Revolution, spread rapidly in countries such as the USA and Japan with the Second Industrial Revolution, affecting many parts of the world.

Third Industrial Revolution

The Third Industrial Revolution dominated the period from the 1970s to the present. After the Second World War, automation of production was achieved with the development of electronics, information and communication technologies. As a result of the development of programmable logic controller PLCs, automation in production started to be carried to advanced stages.

While the First Industrial Revolution was defined as the mechanization of production, the Second Industrial Revolution as the serialization of production, the Third Industrial Revolution was defined as the automation and digitization of production. In this period, developments in scientific fields such as telecommunications, nuclear, bioagriculture and biogenetics, along with technologies such as computers, microelectronics, fiber optics, and lasers, accelerated production. With the developments in communication and transportation, commerce and industry have become global.

One of the most important developments in this process was the rapid depletion of world resources and the concept of sustainability. Coal, water and steam power as an energy source in the First Industrial Revolution; In the Second Industrial Revolution, oil and electricity were at the forefront. However, in the Third Industrial Revolution, renewable energy sources such as solar and wind became important due to the problems in non-renewable resources and environmental concerns.

With all these developments enabling innovations that were not possible before, the Fourth Industrial Revolution we are in started with the influence of factors such as the internet of things, cyber-physical systems and services.

Industry 4.0

As with the other three Industrial Revolutions, the Fourth Revolution, Industry 4.0, determined needs and expectations. It started an era in which automation, machine-to-machine communication and the internet of things were indispensable components of high technology.

The German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) carried out some studies to strengthen and sustain the development of the country in the current conjuncture and in the foreseeable future, and announced 10 main projects in 2011. These projects, called the "Future Project", were published under the title of "Future Projects of Advanced Technology Strategy 2020".

These projects focus on concepts that are frequently encountered in daily life; reducing carbon emissions, establishing environmentally friendly and smart cities, using alternative fuels, switching to smart grids… One of these projects was called "Industrie 4.0" in German. It was first presented at the 2011 Hannover Fair. Reinforced towards Industry 4.0. The German government invested 200 million Euros in the project at the first stage.

“Industry 4.0 Strategy Document” was prepared under the leadership of the Federal German National Science and Research Academy (acatech) and announced at the Hannover Fair in 2013. While this strategy document was mainly focused on Germany, it also explained the main characteristics of this new revolution, thus opening the doors of a new industry to the whole world.

The basis of the Industry 4.0 concept; It is based on the communication of all relevant units in industrial production with each other, the real-time access to all data, and the provision of optimum added value thanks to these data. In order to prevent Industry 4.0 from being just a theory and to take action, three organizations named BITCOM, VDMA and ZVEI launched the "Industry 4.0 Platform" in 2013. This platform, which is still working, primarily supports the development of new technologies, it aimed to set the basic standards for the Industry 4.0 vision, to define new business models and to carry out social awareness studies. The concept of Industry 4.0 has become the area of interest of all countries that are planning to establish a new industrial system by reaching beyond Germany with the contributions of the business world and academic circles. With the support of the necessary legal regulations, it is aimed to spread this concept even more and to create more effective opportunities for new products and processes.
