What is a chip?

The chip can be defined as a small electronic piece formed by placing a large number of transistors connected to each other by aluminum and gold wires on a silicon substrate. It can be defined as an electronic circuit consisting of a large number of small keys for the computer, while the chip meets the large piece that comes out of something that is shredded, chipped, grated as mana. The chip, which was created simultaneously for the first time in different laboratories by electronic engineers Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby, can store 10 times more information than large computers can hide, while the energy consumed by the chips while doing this process is very low. In addition, the term chip is used when talking about the money used in the games. Game coins are expressed as chip packs.


What Does the Chip Do?

The chip serves different purposes depending on the amount of transistors placed in it. As the amount of transistors increases, the usage area becomes more complex. For example, let's consider a chip with 5,000 transistors. This chip is used for electronic digital clocks, and a chip with 100,000 transistors is used for small computers. Significant change and development is achieved through the use of chips in multiple fields such as business administration, educational vehicles, project design aircraft, artificial organs, electronic hearing devices, devices responsible for regulating heartbeats, and electronic research. In addition, experts working to move chip technology forward state that many more transistors can be placed on a chip in the coming years.


How is a Silicone Chip Made?

Silicon plates, which form the main point of processors, are produced at the MEMC factory in Dallas, which is located within the borders of the United States. Silicon is called a semiconductor because of its quality. The meaning of this situation is that it either makes it conductive or causes it to have an insulating feature, depending on the usage situation. Because of this feature, it shows the millions of transistors required in a microprocessor in a wonderful way. Sand contains about 25% of its body silicon. Silicon can be expressed as the most abundant element in the earth's crust after oxygen. Sand contains a large amount of silicon in the form of silicon dioxide, especially in quartz content, and it is an indispensable material because it can be a semiconductor. The sand is subjected to different processes and the silicon contained in it is separated. When silicon reaches sufficient purity, it is ready to be used for the production of electronic materials.

Silicon compatible with electronics production is in such a pure state that there is one foreign atom in every billion silicon atoms. Immediately after the purification section is completed, the melting section is started. A large crystal is formed from purified, molten silicon. This mono-crystalline material is also called ingot. In addition, the material called hampori silicon or pori, which has passed through these stages before, is melted in special furnaces at 1420 °C, the air in the furnace is completely evacuated together with the argon gas and the molten silicon formed is mixed. An arm is lowered into this mixture and with the help of this arm, the molten silicon is pulled up 1.5mm per minute while it cools. As a result, this substance is silicon, which is a single crystal of almost 20 cm in diameter and 200 kg in weight. This crystal is also so strong that it is possible to lift the entire weight with the help of a 3mm rope. Its hardness is measured by going through x-rays to break it into small pieces without any cracking.

With the help of a wire saw, the silicon is sliced at a rate of 2/3 of a millimeter, and after the slicing process, leveling is carried out in order to remove the traces. This leveling process is a two-stage process. After the physical leveling is completed, the chemical leveling is done. As a result, silicon plates with roughness less than one billionth of 0.1 m are obtained. The ability to put millions of transistors on these tiny plates is the task of companies like Texas Instruments. Jack Kilby, who invented the integrated circuit in 1958, was able to fit a single transistor into his design. In today's world, there are 1 billion transistors in new generation circuits. These produced chips also have a financial dimension, and while the chip prices vary between 20-30 liras, chips can be found in the range of 300-400 liras. This is an issue that should be evaluated entirely in the price-performance range.

What is Chip Therapy?

Chip treatment naltrexone can be defined as a substance addiction treatment made in long-acting pellet form, which is placed on the skin base (abdominal area) through a small incision that requires one or two stitches, and which can dissolve into the blood slowly and lasts for 8-10 weeks. When an addict is taken to treatment, the substance is removed from the body in the first week, but it is also aimed to minimize the withdrawal symptoms. It is important that the person who has this addiction gets rid of this harmful substance without experiencing too many problems, and then, if he or she has another psychiatric disease in addition to this condition, it is important to treat it. Afterwards, steps should be taken to use drugs that can keep the addicted person away from addiction and minimize the desire and agony. This treatment method facilitates the compliance of the treatment with the drug and achieves the goal of reducing the general desire through chip treatment.

What is a Chip Reader?

The chip reader can be expressed as something that makes sense of the chip and enlivens the chip's function. For example, RFID is expressed as an abbreviation used for “Radio Frequency Identification”. RFID means a technology in which the obtained digital data is met by a reader via radio waves. RFID is similar to the barcoding system in that this data is detected by means of a device that hides the data in a knowledge base. On the other hand, RFID's barcode has several advantages over mechanisms using asset tracking software. At this point, there is a vital point and it can be said that AIDC is a technology field that makes automatic identification and data capture. AIDC procedures self-identify objects and collect data about them. These collected data are entered into computer systems without any direct intervention. RFID methods use radio waves to do this.

RFID systems, which have a simple shape, consist of three parts. These parts are smart tag or an RFID tag, an antenna and an RFID reader. RFID tags contain an antenna and a useful IC to send the information to the RFID reader. The reader then converts the radio waves into a much more useful form of information. This information, which is brought together from these tags, is then transferred to a host system, which can be stored in the data computer via a communication interface and then analysed.
