What is Corrosion? How is it formed? Why Is Preventing Corrosion Important for Building Safety?

Corrosion is the phenomenon of metals losing their metallic properties
Corrosion is the phenomenon of metals losing their metallic properties

Corrosion is the phenomenon of metals losing their metallic properties as a result of electrochemical reactions with the environment. This is one of the most damaging events over time to metal materials. Due to corrosion, the bridges and buildings we build can collapse and our pipelines can be damaged. When designing any design using metals, corrosion is an important factor to consider; because it directly concerns the building safety and the life of the structure.

It is difficult to observe the effect of corrosion in short time periods; however, as the time scale increases, it is possible to see the damage caused by corrosion much more clearly: The most famous example of this is undoubtedly the Statue of Liberty in New York City, USA. The Statue of Liberty was originally a brownish color when it was gifted to the United States by France. However, with the effect of corrosion over time, the metal sculpture has turned into a green-like color that we know today and makes the sculpture famous.

Statue of Liberty

Many of the metals we use are found in nature bonded with sulfur or oxygen; because this form is two of the most stable states of chemical compounds. To remove these compounds from this form and turn them into "pure metals" requires energy at very high temperatures. Sulfurous and oxidized metal compounds are stable and inert; however, metals purified by giving high energy are much more mobile and they try to return to their former more stable state by giving out this energy in their structure. This is the main reason for the corrosion of the metals we use in our structures.

The ease with which metals corrode differs from element to element; but in general the more active a metal is, the more easily it corrodes. As long as the metal surface is not passivated, we can determine the corrosion activity by looking at standard electrode potentials.

All ionic solutions and natural waters can cause corrosion as electrolytes (free ion containing and conductive media). In addition, the water vapor in the humid air condenses on the surface of the metals, creating a favorable environment for corrosion.

Electrochemical Corrosion

In essence, we can compare corrosion to the galvanic battery (or galvanic cell), which we have described in detail before. If you remember, galvanic cells are basically batteries that can generate electrical energy from chemical energy. Electric current is obtained by the reduction and oxidation reactions that take place in the galvanic cell.

In the case of electrochemical corrosion, different parts of a metal act as anode and cathode. In other words, some of the same material shows the anode feature, while another part shows the cathode feature, and a redox reaction takes place between these two pieces. As a result of this event, the structure of the parts of the metal that are oxidized by acting as an anode or reduced by acting as a cathode is destroyed. For example, oxidation can be represented by the formula:


At the cathode, the "half-cell" where reduction takes place, there are two different possibilities:

  1. Hydrogen reduction occurs if the environment is acidic (pH<7):


  1. If the environment is neutral and there is dissolved oxygen in the environment, the oxygen gains electrons to form hydroxyl:


Natural water bodies such as lakes, streams and seas are generally basic and can cause serious corrosion in the long run when they come into contact with metal because they have electrolyte properties.

A simple corrosion cell
A simple corrosion cell also called "pit type corrosion"

In the corrosion cell shown above, different regions of the same metal acted as both anode and cathode. While the metal dissolves at the anode, the hydroxyl ion is released at the cathode. Then, the iron meets with the released hydroxyl ion to form the more stable iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)2).

·    The reaction that takes place in the part that acts as the anode:FeFe2++ 2e-

  • The reaction that takes place in the part that acts as the cathode:½O2+ H20 + 2e-→2OH-
  • Net reaction: Fe + ½ O2 + H2O → Fe(OH)2

In the presence of sufficient oxygen in the environment, iron(II) hydroxide comes to iron(III) hydroxide.

2Fe(OH)2 + ½O2 + H2O → 2Fe(OH)3

Corrosion Spontaneity

As in every case, we can take help from the laws of thermodynamics in order to determine in advance whether corrosion will occur on purpose or not. For this, we need to calculate the change in Gibbs free energy. We can say that if the change in Gibbs free energy (ΔΔG) is less than zero, the event may occur voluntarily, and if it is greater than zero, it will not happen.

Korozyonun gerçekleştiği zemini bir elektrokimyasal hücre olarak kabul ettiğimiz için kullanacağımız ifade şudur:


Since our cell is not in standard conditions (0oC, 1 atm), we need to calculate the cell potential using the Nernst equation.


After calculating the cell potential using this equation, we can predict whether corrosion will occur when we find the Gibbs free energy change.

Types of Corrosion

Corrosion is also divided into different types according to the way it occurs. In this section, we will examine these types step by step.

Uniform (Single Type, Regular) Corrosion

Uniform corrosion is a type of corrosion that occurs at the same rate in all parts of the metal. This type of corrosion rarely causes major problems, as it is somewhat easier to measure and predict than others. In most cases, it will only cause problems in terms of appearance.

Pit Corrosion

If cavities occur on the metal surface due to corrosion, this is called pitting corrosion. This type of corrosion, unlike uniform corrosion, does not occur at the same rate in all parts of the surface. The anode and cathode are strictly separated from each other. The anode, that is, the half-cell where the amplification takes place, is inside the pit, while the area outside the pit acts as the cathode. In general, when the surface protection layer is damaged or cracked, some of the metal becomes the cathode. It is a very dangerous species as it has the potential to completely pierce metal.

Pitting corrosion can be caused by:

  • Turbulent fluid flow
  • Uneven protective coating
  • Cracks in the protective coating
  • Exposure of the protective coating to a strong chemical
  • Uneven pressure
  • Scratches, scrapes and small chips

Galvanic Corrosion

Galvanic corrosion is a type of corrosion that occurs due to the joining of two different metals or taking place in the same electrolyte. In this cell, the metal with electronegative potential (or the more electronegative metal if both are electronegative) acts as the anode. As an example, we can consider the electrode wear phenomenon in galvanic batteries. . For galvanic corrosion, three conditions must be met simultaneously:

  • Different types of metals: Galvanic corrosion is possible when two different types of metal are in contact.
  • Presence of electrolyte: The contact area must be wetted with an aqueous liquid to ensure ionic conduction. Otherwise galvanic corrosion will not be possible.
  • Electrical continuity between two metals: : Electrical continuity between metals can be achieved by direct contact or a connection between two metals such as a bolt.

Crack Corrosion

Crevice corrosion may occur due to a difference in ion concentration due to cracks or voids on the metal surface. Usually the starting fuse is ignited by a difference in the concentration of oxygen. Crevice corrosion can occur at lower temperatures than pitting corrosion. Proper joint design is a useful measure in minimizing crevice corrosion.

Intergranular Corrosion

At the microscopic level, metals and alloys have small, distinguishable regions called 'grains'. The impure areas between these particles, heat treatment and welding can cause changes in metal composition, which can cause intergranular corrosion. An example of this is iron grains in aluminum.

One of the most common examples of intergranular corrosion is seen in stainless steels. Stainless steel becomes susceptible to corrosion at temperatures between 500-800°C.

Erosion Corrosion

Erosion corrosion occurs as a result of the flow of a corrosive fluid on the metal surface. Since the flow is continuous, the products formed are dragged by the flow and the surface of the metal is constantly exposed to the corrosive fluid. The amount of wear is directly related to the flow rate.

Stress Corrosion

Stress corrosion is the result of a combination of tensile stress and a corrosive environment that usually exists at elevated temperatures. It is also used for cold forming, welding, machining, grinding, etc. It can also be caused by the stress applied during the manufacturing process. As a result, cracks form on the metal surface and accelerate corrosion.

Measurement of Corrosion Rate

The measurement of the corrosion rate is important for preventing corrosion and predicting the damage that may occur. It is defined as the mass of metal that moves away from the unit surface area per unit time. In general, grams per square decimeter per year (g/dm2×years) are used for this. As another unit, the decrease in metal thickness over a certain period of time (mm/year) can also be used.

How to Prevent Corrosion?

It is possible to prevent corrosion or reduce the rate of corrosion with some precautions. For this, we basically need to cut the interaction of the surface with oxygen and corrosive substances. . Some of those:

  • Painting
  • Lubrication
  • Plastic coating

Another method is to use another metal to be sacrificed. In this method, the surface is covered with another more reactive metal. The more reactive metal oxidizes more easily, so while the base metal is protected, another metal is sacrificed. In this way, the material and structure to be protected will not be eroded.


Corrosion is one of the most destructive and important natural events that threaten building safety. For this reason, the rate of corrosion of the material used in the construction of any structure, its activity and how it will be protected against external factors are the basic questions to be considered.
