What is Data Mining?

Base the development and dissemination of technology, your juxtaposition. We are now doing many of the things we used to do physically from a computer, mobile phone or tablet. We can make bank payments, shopping, make hospital appointments and many other things with just a few clicks of the phone. As a result of every transaction we make over the internet with our phone or computer, we ensure that some data is accumulated on the other side. We call "Data mining" the work of collecting and analyzing this data accumulated on the servers of the enterprises and extracting the "useful" ones among them.

How is Data Collected?

There are 2 basic ways to collect data. The first of these ways is the "Open data collection" method, which is based on the information you have entered or your behavior within the site, which is done with your permission. The other method is called “Closed data collection” and is usually data collected on sites such as social networks, search engines. The purpose of this type of data collection method is to follow all the behaviors within that site, to determine the interests of the user and to carry out marketing activities in accordance with them.

What are Data Mining Processes?

  • Data Filtering: It is the stage of determining all the data to be used in mining.
  • Data Cleaning: It is the step of removing unnecessary, inconsistent or noisy ones from the collected data.
  • Data Merge: Data obtained from different sources and having similar characteristics or related data are combined in this step.
  • Data Selection: The process of selecting the ones suitable for analysis from the cleaned and combined data is performed in this step.
  • Data Conversion: It is the stage of converting the available data into a format suitable for mining.
  • Mining Work: At this stage, purposeful data mining algorithms are applied on the previously prepared data.
  • Interpretation and Verification: After performing data mining, the results obtained are interpreted. Research is carried out to verify the accuracy of these results. The validation process is performed by comparing the results obtained from different applications.

What are Data Mining Methods?

  • Classification: The classification method is one of the most widely used methods in data mining.In this method, it is to examine the characteristics of the data at hand and transfer it to the appropriate one of the previously determined classes.
  • Association Rules: It is one of the commonly used methods in data mining. This method aims to identify interconnected data in large databases and the connections between them.
  • Clustering: The purpose of this data mining method is to subclass the data according to the relationships among themselves.
  • Estimation: It is a data mining method based on estimating the missing numerical data in a data set.
  • Outlier Analysis: It is a method of detecting excessive deviations in the data. With this method, unusual expenditures made from credit cards are detected.


In Which Fields Is Data Mining Used?

There is no limitation on the usage areas of data mining and data mining can be done wherever data is accumulated.

If we look at the areas where data mining is most commonly used today;

  • Banking:
    • Identifying customers according to their credit card usage habits.
    • Evaluation of loan requests.
  • Marketing:
    • Determining the purchasing habits of individuals.
    • Sales forecast.
    • Market basket analysis
  • CRM:
    • Increasing customer loyalty.
    • Making the most of the marketing campaigns.
  • E-Commerce:
    • Detection of attacks on servers.
    • Determining the behavior of users browsing the website.
  • Insurance
    • Determination of insurance risk groups.

