Although more powerful computers continue to be developed day by day with innovations in semiconductor and computer technologies, many problems still need thousands of years to be solved with these computers. Quantum computers developed with quantum physics features are expected to open a new page in solving these problems.

While bit values can only be "0" or "1" in classical computers, with the properties of quantum physics, bit values can be "0" with certain probabilities and "1" with certain probabilities in quantum computers. In this way, the advantage of being able to perform multiple calculations at the same time makes quantum computers far superior to classical computers. With this advantage, quantum computers are expected to excel in big data analysis, artificial intelligence applications, cipher decoding, optimization problems, materials science, biotechnology applications.

Although the development of quantum computers started in the 1990s, there is still a long time ahead for Universal quantum computers that can solve general problems. Early examples of quantum computers use subatomic particles – electrons, photons, ions. In order for these particles to conduct electricity without any resistance and make them superconducting, they must be cooled down to -2730C, which is defined as absolute zero. Due to the size of these cooling and control blocks, the quantum computers being developed reach gigantic sizes.

Basically, quantum computers developed in 2 categories are specialized according to their application areas. Analogue (annealing) Quantum Computers, especially used in solving optimization problems, reached 5000 qubits. Although it is used in many applications from finance to defense, the use of analog quantum computers remains limited.

Digital (quantum gate-based) quantum computers, which have wider application areas and are closer to Universal computers, have yet to reach 50-60 qubit capacities. In this technology, while trying to increase the number of qubits, on the other hand, noise problems have to be dealt with. Considering that 100 thousand qubit capacity is required to decode existing encryption algorithms (such as AES, RSA), we have at least 5 years ahead for the destructive effect of these computers to be observed.

Time will tell which of these two methods quantum computing technology will evolve into.

Quantum computing will not be able to completely replace classical computing methods, thanks to the studies and experiences gained in this period when we are on the eve of the quantum age. Instead, quantum computers will be a complementary technology to classical computers. After the preliminary preparations for data integrity in applications are made on classical computers, quantum computers will come into play and a hybrid solution will be created. The acceptance of the assumption that the hybrid solution will provide an advantage is becoming more and more common every day.
