Why Is Log Management Important?

Log literally means keeping records, logs and diaries. Today's technologies and the intensive use of the internet require that all activities and all kinds of transactions taking place in the digital environment must be recorded (keeping a log record).

The obligation to keep logs is based on many reasons. Log records are kept because of the many benefits of tracking transactions such as security, system errors and system changes.

Log Management

What is Log Record?

Logging is the process of automatically recording events in a system in terms of time, username and action. This record is also kept so that system errors and changes made in the system can be checked later.

All users accessing the Internet over a network and the actions of all components in a network are recorded in a similar way.

This information can be saved in text files with the extension ".log" on a daily or weekly basis. In this case, which is similar to security camera recordings, every transaction is recorded.

Some important logs are only accessible to the system administrator.

Why is it Important to Keep Logs for Businesses?

Log records provide the opportunity to be monitored retrospectively in case of any security problem, as there are records kept about login, exit, transactions in the system and who the user is.

Since it may take time to initiate lawsuits or investigations by the competent authorities regarding cyber crimes that may occur, retrospective information requests of the courts can put companies in troubled situations.

In addition, the fact that the log records contain too much detailed information creates difficulties in terms of tracking and organization. For this reason, keeping, managing and organizing log records may require professional methods, there are organizations that provide this service for a certain fee.

Let's say you have a business that provides access provider internet service. When some of the people using this service commit a cyber crime, the subject is examined by the relevant institutions upon the request of the prosecutor's office.

The first requested data in this research is log records. The IP and device information on the date of the action are clearly visible in these records, making it easier to identify the criminal.

For example, an employee in your business insulted someone on social media through your network or committed a cybercriminal offense. In legal investigations regarding this transaction, your log records on the network will be examined within the scope of the prosecution investigation, since the IP address where the transaction is made belongs to you.

You can prove who is using the network while the action is taking place, thanks to these log records. Each device connected to the modem is identified and recorded with their mac addresses. It will be important for you to prove who is using this device.

Log Types

Event Log  

Operating systems automatically record the event log. In this way, problems and events experienced in your computer system can be examined retrospectively. Events such as account opening, program installation and update are recorded in the system. For example, the "Microsoft Windows Event Viewer" (Event Viewer) application is a program that allows you to monitor the log records kept in the Windows system.


These are log records kept in Linux-based systems. They are system logs that contain information about logging messages of daily events. It is usually used on servers and is saved in the "/etc/syslog.conf" file. It is evaluated in two categories, facility and priority.

Facility ( Syslog Type )

Facility is the term indicating the type of logs to be recorded.


ftp: FTP file transfer protocol

auth: Records system security and login permission messages.

lpr: It is a local printer service.

authpriv: Records messages about system security.

user: General user messages are recorded here. Facility is set to "user" by default unless another type is specifically selected by the selector in the syslog.conf file.

mail: Contains mail system records.

Priority (Syslog Priority)

Priority refers to the importance of the log in the recording process. It gives you messages according to the priority defined in the syslog.conf file with the Selector.

For example;

emerg: The system is unusable

alert: It should be intervened immediately

crit: critical situation

err: Error status

warn: Warning

notice: situation that is normal and needs to be informed

info: Informational purposes

debug: Debugging

none: None

All these records are saved in certain time periods on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly basis, and then compressed and stored. Syslog organization can be done with a number of auxiliary applications.

Transaction Log   

SQL server logs, changes made on the server are recorded with this log type. All data uploaded and deleted to the server can be tracked and used for backing up systems thanks to these logs. However, taking a backup with this log can cause very large files to be created.
